CCQC Ministries

Growth Ministries

Adult Sunday School
Sundays | Rhodes Hall | 9am
We dig into the God's Word to better know the God we love and serve while deepening our relationship with Him. Come and learn the Bible in a casual setting where teaching is added to by discussion and where every question is welcome.

3rd Fridays | Youth Center | 6pm
Beyonders is designed for seniors (age 50+) who are looking for like-minded fellowship. We really desire to get to know one another on this side of heaven! We also have times of discussing Biblical issues, devotions as well as testimonies. We would love to have you come out and join us, so please send us your email address. We will send you a reminder about our next meeting and its location.

Generation for Christ
Ages 14-21
Fridays | Rhodes Hall | 6pm
(2nd Fridays | Youth Center)
Generation for Christ is designed for high school students and young adults to fellowship and study God's Word together.

Performing Arts
Twice a year, we produce musicals or plays as an outreach to the community. The goal is to present the Gospel in a visual way. If you'd like to volunteer and work with us to bring others to Christ, whether that be on the stage or behind the scenes, email us!

Saturdays | Education Bldg. | 8:30am
We gather every weekend to pray as a church. All are invited, even if you can't make it every weekend! If you have a prayer request, click the button below and send us your request and we will pray for you.

Young Adults
Ages 18-30
3rd Fridays | Remington House | 7pm
Young Adults is a community that gathers every month. Whether you're married or single, join us as we study God's Word together. We eat dinner and fellowship together at Pastor Jim's House!
Care & Outreach Ministries

Health Crisis
As a ministry, we reach out to people in times of health crisis to provide hope, joy, encouragement and love.

Saturdays | Education Bldg. | 10am
GriefShare is a biblical, Christ-centered grief support group ministry. It's designed to help you toward rebuilding your life after losing a spouse, child, family member or friend. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone.
Click the link to view the session dates:
Click the link to view the session dates:

Last Wednesdays | Youth Center | 10:30am
We provide handcrafted blankets, shawls, hats, and stuffed animals at no cost for our congregation to bless others who are experiencing physical, spiritual, or emotional illness. Please contact us and we'd be happy to provide you with what you need.

Mending The Soul (MTS) is a support group addressing past and present abuses. This is an educational and equipping ministry created to serve women in the church and the community by embodying the justice, mercy, and goodness of God. If you have suffered from any level of abuse, we invite you to consider participating in an upcoming session of Mending the Soul where you will learn about God’s justice in standing against abuse, God’s mercy in protecting the vulnerable and hurting, and God’s goodness in helping bring restoration to the broken-hearted.

Anti-Human Trafficking
Voice of Hope is designed to bring hope to survivors of sexual exploitation by distributing a rescue hotline number to individuals in need of help. In partnership with Rescue America, volunteers place calls through a secure outreach calling system using a predetermined script and talking points. Volunteers work in teams of two, and training is available at each session. These phone calls are making a tremendous difference in the lives of many, and we need your help!

Starting Soon
This is a course based on the book, Boundaries, designed to help people build healthy relationships by maintaining effective boundaries.

New Believers
Currently on Break
This a course to help you build a firm foundation in your relationship with Jesus. This course is for anyone who would like to review the core basics of faith in Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with Him.

Currently on Break
This is a multi week course designed to assist with Godly parenting.

Studying Scripture
Currently on Break
This ten-week course will instruct you on how to use resources and study methods to accurately maximize what you get from Scripture while aiding your understanding of how to conform to the ways of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Financial Stewardship
This ministry is designed to help people steward their finances in a biblical way. We also offer courses from time to time.
Family Ministries

2nd Saturdays | Youth Center | 5pm
Marriage Enrichment is designed to help couples grow in wisdom towards marriage. Whether you're married or engaged, come and enjoy a night of fellowship!
Please Note: Childcare by request.
Please Note: Childcare by request.

Seasons of Motherhood is for moms in all seasons. We will have two meetings per month. In our moms-only meetings, we will enjoy fellowship, a meal, worship and teaching. Our fellowship meetings are for moms and kiddos.
Main Service Ministries

We welcome everyone that walks into the sanctuary during our services. There is always a need for friendly and loving people to help greet and welcome people to Calvary. Click the button below if you're interested!

We make the coffee in the morning and we make treats and snacks, for everyone to enjoy on Sunday mornings. We also make treats for Wednesday nights as well. If you'd like to help us make people feel welcome here at Calvary, click the button below.

Our role is to make sure everyone on campus is safe and secure. If you'd like to join the security team, click the button below.

The media booth handles the main technological aspect of our services. It handles everything from the sound board, lyrics, slides and livestream.

When you come into the sanctuary, we are here to assist you with your needs. We help you find a place to sit. If you'd like to join the ushers team, click the button below.

We help direct traffic on the church campus on Sundays to help cars find a parking place. If you'd like to serve, click the button below.

We desire to glorify God in every aspect of our lives, not just on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights! This happens as a natural result of our personal relationship and commitment to God by the power of His Spirit. All of the music that comes from the platform has been prayerfully considered, chosen, and prepared. During the worship services, we purpose to sing and play with joy and a genuine heartfelt passion in order to produce an environment that welcomes the church to join in and worship God. If you have any questions, comments, or are interested in getting involved, please click the button below.