Shannon Gideon
Children's Ministry Overseer
Being brought up in religion, I have always known there was a God out there somewhere. But it wasn't until January 2006 that I began seeking Him with my whole heart -Deuteronomy 4:49 - and there He was waiting for me to surrender my life to Him. Through much prayer and encourangement by a godly woman - my cousin, I began attending Calvary Chapel of Chandler. After church one Sunday morning in July of ' 06 the spiritual blinders were removed as I sat in my car and wept realizing I was a sinner in need of a Savior - we were in the book of Romans.
Sensing it was time to move, the Lord led me to Calvary Chapel QC in the spring of 2011. I began serving in Uniquly Special Ministy for several years. And now I am currently being used by Him and for His glory in Children's Minsitry. It is an awesome privilege to share Jesus with the little ones and to be continually reminded of their childlike faith to simply trust, be teachable, and to stay humble.
I am blessed to be married with 4 children and 5 grandchildren- always praying for more!
As a praying mama and grandmother, nothing is more true than 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the truth."
Sensing it was time to move, the Lord led me to Calvary Chapel QC in the spring of 2011. I began serving in Uniquly Special Ministy for several years. And now I am currently being used by Him and for His glory in Children's Minsitry. It is an awesome privilege to share Jesus with the little ones and to be continually reminded of their childlike faith to simply trust, be teachable, and to stay humble.
I am blessed to be married with 4 children and 5 grandchildren- always praying for more!
As a praying mama and grandmother, nothing is more true than 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the truth."